
Splat Kerplunk! is a collection of my thoughts on subjects I am inspired to write about mainly from a Christian perspective. They are not always clever thoughts nor are they always worth reading, but hey, you gotta take the good with the bad.

About Me

Peter Enseleit (1966 – present) was born in Nowra, NSW, Australia. He holds a Degree in Theology from the Sydney College of Divinity. Since becoming a Christian at the age of fifteen, his journey of faith has included many joys and struggles, through which God has increasingly made his presence known. Peter is actively involved in his local church community and has many years of experience in Christian small group leadership. Peter has also authored articles on computer related topics in online technology magazines (www.linux.com). Peter works as a Technical Writer in an I.T. technology company in Canberra, Australia. His interests include family, church involvement, woodworking, cycling, reading, bushwalking and camping. He and his wife Cheryl live in rural Australia with their three children.